Nutritional Services

Introductory Nutritional Consultation

30 minutes - Free!

Let’s meet, discuss your concerns and determine the best way to help you reach your nutrition and health goals!

Initial Consultation is required if wanting to begin with the Sustain Your Health package.

Nutri-systems Profile (NSP) assessment

This in-depth tool allows me to see which body systems are out of balance, giving better insight into how best to help address and improve your health!

Included in both the Transform Your Health and Sustain Your Health packages!

Standalone investment: $100.00

consultation Packages

You are busy and your time is valuable. We get it. We have different options available to meet your needs. All sessions are held online over Zoom for your comfort and convenience!

Transform Your Health Package!

For those experiencing acute Gut Health, Microbiome, or Fibromyalgia symptoms, or want more personal interactions.

6 month journey


  • Weekly meal plan with a colour recipe book and grocery list

  • Mid-week check-in email

  • 1 60-minute Zoom call per week

  • Personalized Nutritional, Supplement/Vitamin and Lifestyle recommendations

  • Nutri-System Profile (NSP) Assessment every 3 months

Investment $2250.00 (375.00/month)

Sustain Your Health Package!

For those transitioning from the Transform Your Health package; those experiencing Microbiome or Gut Health issues; those who have previously worked with a practitioner; or who prefer a more independent journey.

3 month journey. Initial consultation is required.


  • A 1-week meal plan with a colour recipe book and grocery list

  • 1 biweekly email check-in

  • 1 60-minute Zoom call per month

  • Personalized Nutritional, Supplement/Vitamin and Lifestyle recommendations

  • Nutri-System Profile (NSP) Assessment every 3 months

Investment $975.00 (325.00/month)

“At first glance it may appear to hard. Look again. Always look again”

— Mary Anne Radmacher