Meet Mandy

Professional headshot of a woman with burgundy hair, black glasses and a black top

How many of you have heard the expression “The road to hell is paved with good intentions?” Well, I believe “the road to health is paved with good intestines.” And that’s because our gut is the key to our health. If you don’t have a healthy gut, you don’t have a healthy anything else.

I have always had a strong interest in Holistic Medicine, Spirituality, and the concept of 'Food as Medicine'. Ann Wigmore said, “The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.” I was an "interested hobbyist", I enjoyed reading and learning but only put some of this into practice. Onions for a cold, ginger for an upset stomach, garlic for vampires, that sort of thing.

Then I got sick..... Really sick. When I was 22 I contracted a Campylobacter infection from contaminated ice cream, which left me hospitalized, and I almost died.   Unfortunately, as a result of the infection, by the time I was 25, I developed severe osteoarthritis in my lower back to the point I had the spine of a 65-year-old woman, and because of all the NSAIDs that I was prescribed, by the time I was 35 I had developed Fibromyalgia.

It was during the five years I was trying to get diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, to which I could not get answers from the mainstream medical system, that I began to research other alternatives voraciously. After hearing countless doctors and specialists say variations of "You're fat,  if you'd just stop being fat,  you'd be fine" I realized I would have to be not just my own educated advocate but perhaps even my own healer. That's when I went from an interested hobbyist to a voracious consumer and eventual student. I read everything I could get my hands on, on different healing modalities and healing with food. My journey with multiple chronic illnesses (Fibromyalgia, Osteoarthritis, IBS, Sjogren’s Syndrome, PCOS, and numerous food and environmental allergies), my desire to help my body heal itself, and the fears and frustrations with Western medicine have fueled my passion to help others on their healing journey.

This led me to realize that the mainstream system was likely keeping me sick, as my primary care physicians were more concerned with treating a symptom with medication instead of attacking the root cause. No one explained how nutrition could help me, or that there was hope. I sadly thought this was my lot in life, that I got the short end of the stick and this was how it was going to be until I died. It was never once suggested how important your relationship with food is to your overall health.

I chose to work with women who have Fibromyalgia because I know the struggles that I went through and still go through trying to find effective treatments. It’s still such a misunderstood and misdiagnosed condition and many mainstream doctors are just sadly not informed. And if they are, the 10 minutes you get to see them are nowhere near enough to receive effective, holistic care.

I do not believe in magic pills or miracle cures. You did not become sick overnight; you are not going to recover overnight. You will never hear me say that I will “cure”, “heal”, or “treat” your conditions. I will not promise you a quick fix. What I will promise you is to bring my wealth of lived experience, my education and my support to walk alongside you in your healing journey.

I can remember how helpless and hopeless I felt about my health, my life and my future, thinking that nothing was ever going to change. I want to help others who are feeling that same way to realize that there IS hope and that they have the power to facilitate their own healing to improve both their quality and longevity of life.

So, let's talk about poo baby!